Curious? Got Questions? We've got Answers.
What exactly is Barman Nashville?
Barman Nashville are a craft cocktail mixer company. Our mixers are non-alcoholic. They pair beautifully with either spirits or non-alcoholic sips.
Barman Nashville provides devious approachable craft cocktails for you to enjoy anywhere without the stress of needing a mixology degree.
What do I need to make a Barman cocktail?
So glad you asked! This is the best part. Let's walk through how to create a Barman Nashville craft cocktail.
Grab a glass. Add ice.
Pour your favorite spirit (or soda water) over ice.
Pour Barman's mixer over ice and spirit per label sugguestion.
Stir. Sip. Cheers!
How many cocktails does this make?
A 16oz Barman batch will create ~8 cocktails per suggested measurements.
*The Smoked Old Fashioned will create at least 16 cocktails.
My Event would be great with Barman Nashville in it. Can that happen?
Absolutely! Barman Nashville loves events and Barman mixers elevate even the most posh parties.
Please contact us via email so we can tailor Barman to your needs.
What about ingredients and allergies?
Barman is dedicated to all natural, and every batch truly has No Added Crap.
Every batch is grain-free, gluten-free, additive and preservative free. Select batches are keto-friendly as well.
If there is a specific question or concern, please reach out. Barman always wants to ensure you have a batch that you will fully enjoy.